Thursday, October 18, 2012

HTML Template : Leopard - Responsive and Clean HTML Template

HTML Template : Leopard - Responsive and Clean HTML Template

HTML Template

Leopard is clean and modern template suitable for any portfolio or corporate website. Created with HTML5 and CSS3 techniques, based on fantastic Twitter Bootstrap Framework. With a responsive design you can easily browse your website on mobile devices.


Commercial Licence


Template features:

  • Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Clean & Modern Design based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework
  • 7 predefined color schemes
  • Boxed or Wide version
  • 200+ Font Awesome scalable icons
  • Google Web Fonts ( Open Sans )
  • PHP /jQuery Contact Form
  • Twitter & Flickr Widgets
  • Custom Shortcodes
  • jQuery Features:

    • Two Homepage Sliders (FlexSlider & NivoSlider)
    • Dropdown Menu
    • Portfolio filtering
    • Validate Contact Form
    • jQuery Components (Alert boxes, Carousel, Accordion, Tabs and many more)
  • 19 HTML Templates:

    • Home (2 versions)
    • About us
    • Services
    • Tour
    • Pricing Tables
    • FAQ
    • Sidebar (right, left)
    • 404 Page
    • Full Width
    • Portfolio (2,3,4 Columns)
    • Blog
    • Single Project & Blog page
    • Contact
  • Crossbrowser compatible
  • PSD and Documentation

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