Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HTML Template : Huraga Responsive Admin Template

HTML Template : Huraga Responsive Admin Template

HTML Template

Huraga is a beautifully minimalistic HTML5 template for any backend, user interface or administration, both for desktop and mobile users. Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap and powered with LESS , Huraga will save you hours in developing your project. Template is available in 4 default colors and packed with basic and popular user interface elements and widgets.




Feature List

  • Available in 4 colors
  • HTML5 syntax & CSS3 markup
  • Cross-browser compatible
  • Twitter Bootstrap compatible
  • Responsive design
  • Static and fluid grid system
  • Modal windows
  • Notifications
  • Progress bars
  • Loading animation gifs
  • CSS buttons, button groups and button menus
  • CSS animations
  • Custom widgets and components
  • Font Awesome icon set
  • FamFamFam icon set
  • Glyphicons icon set
  • Emoticon set
  • Error pages (401, 403, 404, 500, 503)
  • Built on LESS
  • jQuery powered
  • Modernizr and Selectivizr combo
  • Flexible and easy to customize
  • Layered .PSD file
  • Well documented code
  • jQuery jWYSIWYG Editor Plugin
  • jQuery Tooltips
  • jQuery DataTables
  • jQuery Full Calendar
  • jQuery Visualize
  • jQuery Flot Chart
  • jQuery plUpload
  • jQuery jGrowl
  • Bootstrap colorpicker
  • Bootstrap date picker
  • Bootstrap wysihtml5
  • Bootstrap File Input
  • Bootstrap Masked Input

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