Tuesday, October 16, 2012

HTML Template : It Fits - Free HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Template

HTML Template : It Fits - Free HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Template

We have something very special today for all of you great visitors. Its an HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Template, with 5 pages excluding 404 page. This template has something not just merely HTML5 new tags, it’s coded using WAI-ARIA roles for enhanced quality. Uses very less images, taking benefits from CSS3 features. Even icons are fonts – hmm super fast page loading.



Page you will have:

  • Home page
  • Portfolio page
  • Regular page
  • Blog page
  • Contact page
  • 404 page – (default from HTML5 Boilerplate template.)

I have used LESS css for this projects – for better and faster CSS coding, but you will notice there is pure CSS file is in use. Reason – what I used to do is I do code in LESS and compile it using any software like WINLESS and then I use the compiled pure css files. When you download the template source code, you will find three .LESS files but all complied in one css file that is main.css.

Browser compatibility:

All modern browser works fine. Responsiveness is missing from IE7 and IE8. IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari works fine. You can see how it looks on the smaller device by re-sizing your browser. Or head over to The Responsinator, then give the demo URL and see.

In terms of visual appearance, IE7 and IE8 has graceful degradation – no support for CSS3 so as, but template presentation is fine.

IE6??? I don’t talk about it.

That’s it guys – not much talk. This theme has been released under Creative Common  CC 3.0 Attribution (by) license, so feel free to use anywhere.

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